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Page 19



  Bring him in the parlor.

  (and as the slaves do so)

  And somebody hurry to Milcourt after the doctor!

  From the porch, Millie sees Todd shaking his head.




  Connie screeches. Mrs Oldham looks back at the girls, then at Todd, face distraught.


  He's dead, ma'm.

  Mrs Oldham goes rigid, face cupped in hands, momentarily frozen.


  Oh dear Lord! Dear Lord!

  Then she comes to herself, rushes up the steps and inside. Millie and Connie stand clutching one another, wailing and

  sobbing. Todd stands in doubt at the foot of the steps. The girls turn piteous looks on him. He responds by going to them. They clutch his arms, one on each side, lean their

  heads on his shoulders sobbing. After a moment he gently disengages their hold, puts an arm around each girl and leads them inside.


  Todd and Mrs Oldham come out onto the porch and stop. Mrs Oldham is now stoic, or perhaps petrified. She leans against the wall for support. She looks at Todd with half-seeing eyes.


  I needed to speak to you out here. Inside it's all mixed up. I...I have to get to Milcourt quick. Beat the news there if I can...


  Duff's already gone. Our slave Duff. For the doctor. And to tell Colonel Ticknor. Why do you...?


  I have to explain it to Ticknor, if I can. He's gonna think I'm implicated.


  But how?...Why? It was bushwhackers, you told me.


  They'll be out for blood, the mob will. They'll conclude Union men

  done it. Like maybe I led Colonel Oldham into a trap.'ll be hard to make him believe I didn't.


  But John was on his way to town to help your father, for heaven's sake! Why would you want him dead?


  Times like these, people don't reason. They just pick up a rope.

  Mrs Oldham looks dumbfounded: as if nothing makes sense anymore.


  I have to go, ma'm. Honest I do.

  Mrs Oldham steps forward and throws her arms around Todd, gripping him tight. He is too surprised to react at once.


  But you had nothing to do with it. You couldn't! If they won't believe you, surely they'll believe me!


  Your son'll accuse me.

  She pauses, draws back, takes both of Todd's hands in hers.


  I'll make him listen. He has to!

  She lets go of his hand and steps back in a sudden eruption of sobbing. Todd turns and runs down the steps.


  (calling after him)

  The Lord bless you, Todd!

  Todd mounts and is away with a wave of the hand.


  We see the house from Todd's POV as he rides toward it. Colonel Ticknor on horseback approaches from the opposite

  direction. Todd hurries to meet him. They stop facing one another.


  You were the only one with him when he was killed!


  Yes, I was. We run into three bushwhackers. One of them shot Colonel Oldham dead. And I...


  Bushwhackers, hah! Union men!


  No! I know ever Union man around here. I swear...


  Swear! Of course you'll swear! But bushwhackers would'a killed you too. Wouldn't they?


  They would of, but I run 'em off shooting back. I hit one of 'em.


  You must think I'm mighty easy fooled, feller! But all right. I

  won't arrest you till I talk to Lizzie Oldham and the girls. But you better get out'a town before some friend of John Oldham's shoots you down like a dog.


  You're right about that.

  He turns to go, but when he is a few yards Colonel Ticknor calls out:


  The prisoners won't be freed. They're to stand trial again. Accessories to murder.

  Todd halts Comanche and wheels him around.


  In the name of God, why? How could they be involved, locked up in jail as they are?


  Every traitor's accountable for what any one of 'em does... Now get going, or I'll lock you up too!

  Todd rides off, eyes closed and head bowed. He lets his hand lie on Comanche's neck.


  Early on the second day of the new trials. The mob has swelled and is seething for revenge. Many from the prisoners' families are present, some leading horses they expected their family member to ride home on, not knowing about the new charges. Numerous WOMEN and a few MEN are openly WEEPING. Now and then a SCREAM is heard. Todd, Ma and Sis sit in their wagon, with oxen hitched. They drove here yesterday. They crouch now exhausted yet spellbound by the turmoil of events around them. Ma looks utterly distraught.


  Yesterday all day, then no telling how many hours today. How long, in Jesus' name, will it take?


  I make it twenty-eight they've let go so far.


  Me too. But who's convicted and who's just not tried yet?

  They draw closer together but do not dare to seek out each other's eyes.


  A few minutes have passed. A SCRAWNY MAN with a floppy hat clutched to his breast hobbles out through the courthouse door, looking around dazed.


  Christamighty! Old Parson Howard! The rebels must be mighty hard up for traitors to grab him.

  A YOUNG MAN on horseback leading another horse yells:


  Here I am, Pa! Over here!

  The elder Howard begins a hobbling run toward his son, who hurries to him and helps him mount. They ease through the crowd and on reaching the edge of it take off at a gallop.


  A moment later Daniel Montague emerges from the courthouse and stops on the front step. Todd and Sis glance at Ma, who seems oblivious, even as they hug her close.


  The court has rendered its verdicts. The following men, as the prime instigators of this evil conspiracy, are as guilty of the murder of Colonel John Oldham as the one who pulled the trigger.They've been convicted and

  sentenced to hang. Today! We'll let one family member visit a prisoner. One!

  (he pauses, then begins

  reading from a list)

  H. J. Esman...W. P. Lock ...Nathaniel Blair...

  Ma fights free of Todd and Sis, keels over on the floor of the wagon, draws up her knees and hugs them, her face buried against them. Todd and Sis huddle close over her and she does not reject them. Names of the condemned continue in the b.g., the first few heard O.S. among OUTCRIES and WAILING.


  (goes on reading

  through it all)

  James Foster...Samuel Carmichael... John Crisp...Barnabas Burch...

  The SOUND of the names diminishes to become indistinct as:



  Todd and Sis sit facing one another, petting and stroking Ma. Brother and sister have the same question in mind, each searching for how to express it. Ma senses what it is and cries out.


  No! No!. I'm not going! He's not here! He's a long ways off. Too far! Too far!

  Todd and Sis look at each other in sorrow.


  You're not doubting I could go in there alone, are you?

  No, Sis. I'm not doubting it.

  Sis's eyes brim with tears. She wipes them away furiously with the edge of her shawl.


  But you're the oldest son, so he'll want to tell you about taking care of us. You go. And don't say no more about it.

  Todd nods grimly, stands up and climbs out of the wagon.


  Todd walks shakily along a dim hallway, following a militiaman, who stops at a door and motions.


  In here. You got ten minutes.

  Todd gives him a wrathful glance, opens the door and goes in. Pap is already there, seated in a straight chair, big and shaggy-black-bearded, in this obscurity looking remote, mysterious. Todd freezes. Pap meets his eyes with wide-staring firmness. Todd crosses to a another chair, brings it over, sits down facing Pap almost knee to knee.


  You know all about it then.


  Yes. And and Sis agreed I'd come. Ma she...


  (leaning forward, breath short with anxiety)



  She' broken up she...


  Y'all made the right choice...

  He cannot go on. It takes all his will not to break down.




  Go ahead, son.

  (but seeing that

  Todd cannot...)

  Yes, I know. The world and all to say and no words for saying it. I've made peace...the best I know how. I can accept that I'm to die. You can't. Accepting you're to die can't be shared, no more than somebody else can die for you....

  Pap falls silent. In a moment Todd breaks out.


  I'll try to understand what you mean, Pap. I'll try, and I'll...


  Taking care of the family, you'll do that without me asking. If you only have the chance to do it.


  Yes. Because they may grab me up accused of Colonel Oldham's murder

  too. Or else they'll shove me in their rebel army.


  You'll have to take to the woods for a while.


  I'll go north is what I'll do. Find the Union army, and when they invade, I'll be coming right back here with 'em. Then this town...And these people...


  Well... It's all up to you now, son. I won't put no burden of promises on you. Only for one, and it's not a promise at that. I mean...well...revenge. Think long

  and hard, son, before you take that road. Not to forgive. No, never that. I don't mean that. But remember how one killing

  brings on another'n. Till it all drops into feuds, and then, before you know it, the whole county's soaked in blood....

  Comes a rapping at the door.


  Time's up.

  Todd and Pap leap to their feet simultaneously. They throw their arms around each other.


  Pap! Pap!

  Todd stands squalling like a baby. Pap is hugging Todd vice-tight, tears running down his cheeks into his beard. The door opens. Todd turns and screams.


  Get out'a here!

  The door closes softly. But knowing the time is short, they kiss each other hard on the cheek, then stagger apart, still gripping hands. Then, with sudden resolve, Todd stands back.


  Oh God, Pap! Goodbye.

  Todd turns slowly and makes for the door. As he opens it, Pap calls out in a powerful voice:


  You're a man now, son. God go with you.... And come home with you.


  Pap climbs into the death wagon, steadily, ignoring offers of assistance from two soldiers. ANGLE WIDENS to include the Blair family wagon. Todd and Sis stand beside it. The death wagon begins to move away.


  You stay with Ma. I'll follow Pap.

  She sets off without waiting for an answer. The death procession draws away. Todd looks down for a moment at Ma

  lying inert in the wagon bed. She moans a little. Todd is afraid to touch her. Unexpectedly he finds Hannah Smith at his elbow.


  I'll look after her, Todd. You go with your daddy.


  Thank you, Hannah. Thank you. Bless you.


  Todd runs to overtake the procession, locates Sis, falls in beside her. They exchange looks but no words. From their POV we see Pap's back at times through shifting figures of the procession.


  As the wagon stops under the tree and the hangmen begin to prepare the rope, Todd and Sis edge in against the guard and around to one side seeking the best vantage point.


  I have to be where I can see him to the very last. It can't be for him to die with none but strangers' eyes on him.


  Strangers! He knows ever man taking part in killing him. But strangers, yeah! Worse'n strangers.


  Can you stand up to it? I don't mean stand it. I mean stand and do nothing but watch. Because watch is everything you can do. For now.


  I can...yes.


  Because grieving to her last breath is all a woman can do. But a man can act! I don't mean now. Hold back and bide your time. The day'll come for to kill 'em all!

  They now realize that Pap can see them. Todd raises his hat momentarily. Pap lifts a slow hand then lets it drop heavily to his side. A hangman climbs briskly into the wagon. Pap stands up and submits while his hands are tied behind him. Todd lifts his eyes to the fatal limb.

  The rope groove has worn deeper over the days. Todd looks away. Next he fixes his eyes on Pap, while the hangman adjusts the noose. Todd is unaware that he is the only man

  present who still has his hat on. A man nudges him. Todd looks at him in rage but then with shaking hands removes his hat. Clutching the hat with both hands, he bites down on the brim, staring at Pap, who is now alone in the wagon except for the slave driving,who is standing holding the reins. The hangman barks an order. The slave makes a swipe with his whip across the rumps of the mules.



  The mules lunge ahead. We see a CLOSEUP of Sis with eyes fixed ahead. Then a CLOSEUP of Todd lifting his eyes to the tree limb again, and from his POV the tree limb itself. It trembles and sways from the weight. A instant passes. Still from Todd's POV, the view lowers to the body of Pap suspended still and dead. Then a CLOSEUP of Todd jamming on his hat. Next, from Todd's POV, we look across toward the other side of the tree.

  The ox wagon is drawn up to the edge of the circle of onlookers there. Ma stands on the spring seat to see above the crowd, with Hannah's arms wrapped around her legs to

  steady her. DOLLY in past Pap's body to a CLOSE SHOT of Ma, whose eyes bore directly ahead above the crowd straight toward Pap's body on the death tree.


  N. of the cabin, on a knoll open except for a small grove of postoaks and covered with yellowish fall grass, Ma, Sis, Montecristo and Jenk stand at the edge of the grove, Sis holding Scooter. A few yards away Todd and FOUR NEIGHBORS are about to end Pap's burial. Three of the men are shoveling raw yellow clay to make a mound for the grave. The fourth man. with a posthole digger, is punching a hole at the head of the grave. The sky is dark and threatening. A cutting norther has blown in.

  Todd picks up a wooden cross about four feet high and places it in the hole. The neighbor fills the hole with a shovel while Todd presses in the dirt with his foot. The finishing touches done, the men shake Todd's hand and leave. The rest of the family come to Todd. They stand in a knot and stare down at the grave. A few wisps of snow touch their faces. They look up at the snow in wonder, turn and walk towards the cabin.


dd is on his knees adding wood to the fireplace. The rest of the family sit in numb silence. Dishes and utensils on the table behind them indicate they have had supper. Todd rises, comes over and drops into a chair.


  Snowing or not, I have to leave out'a here tonight.

  Scooter jumps down from Sis's lap and comes to Todd, who looks at him strangely for a second, then sweeps him up into his lap in a tight hug, kissing the top of his head. A sob catches in Ma's throat. Sis is stony-faced.


  You reckon they'd come after you in this storm?


  They might. But me and Comanche won't be here. We'll be in that cave on the Grantley place hiding out till morning. Plenty of thick timber from there to the river. We'll be crossing by noontime and heading north.

  Ma cannot prevent tears. She sheds them in silence. Todd kisses Scooter's head a couple more times.


  (gently putting

  Scooter down)

  I better get a move on.


  I'll rustle you up some grub to take along.

  When Todd stands up, Ma leaps to her feet and holds him close. He tries to kiss away the tears but they will not

  stop flowing. At last he kisses her hard on both cheeks and hurries out the door.


  Snow has stopped falling and only a light blanket of it half covers the ground. It will give off a guiding glow in the darkness. Todd has Comanche saddled, is busily seeing to all his gear, including a knapsack of food that Sis has prepared. She is now standing beside him. Night comes on darker as they talk.